Viscose Blouse A, B 107 | 11/18

  • Viscose Blouse A, B 107 | 11/18
  • PDF pattern
  • Difficulty : ***
  • Sizes : 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21
  • Recommended Fabrics : Softly draping blouse fab­rics.
A : Wear it buttoned to the neck or draped open with a lapel look. This asymmetric blouse includes tucks and a tie at the waist. It closes with buttons and loops – so you can decide your best style. B : This season's trend color is a beautiful choice for this blouse with the accent tucks and a petite tying band at the waistline.
Back length approx. 69 cm (27 ins)
Recommanded Fabrics
Softly draping blouse fab­rics.
Vilene/Pellon G 785 Vilene Bias Tape/stay tape 6 small buttons 1 small sew...
-on snap fastener
Original Fabric
A: Viscose-rayon print, B: Crepe de chine.
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