Monthly Archives: December 2023

  1. Retrospective: You and Burda in 2023
    As we wrap up this year, it's time to unravel our annual retrospective and discover the highlights of your Burda sewing journey in 2023. From sewing patterns that brought your machines to life to magazines that fueled your creativity, and video tutorials that walked you through each step, let's delve into these twelve months where fabrics, needles, and ideas wove together to craft a memorable year for seamstresses everywhere.
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  2. January 2024: The New Issue of Burda Style!
    A new year begins in vibrant colors with Burda Style January 2024: green, orange, pink, and red brighten up the winter. Chic pieces in black, pink, and shiny silver for stepping out and shining in the evening. Finally, a series of designs combines beauty and comfort for a daily feel-good experience. Explore these charming pieces and choose your favorites!
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